Age: 78 Born: March 1, 1898 Died: September
13, 1976 Location: Burlington, NC
Luther Jones was a character, popular, and well known
checker player in the Burlington, Alamance County area, mainly because he
was a retired barber and hung out at several barbershops which were known for their
checker playing clientele. Mike Ross who knew Luther as a young aspiring
checker player, played Luther in the 70's, who then was in his mid 70's.
Mike said he would contribute his remembrance and
some stories about Luther. Benny Vaughn also knew Luther and remembers the
good old days at Ned Bare's barbershop across from the State Theater in the
50's -70's, a favorite checker haven which Luther and Homer Moser frequented.
Others such as Jack Tate, Byron Truelove, etc.